Graphic Design • Interior Design

Kohler - Internal signage and decorations


Kholer Company


Makio Hasuike & Co.


Graphic Design, Interior Design


During my collaboration with the Milan-based Japanese design studio Makio Hasuike & Co., I had the opportunity to participate in the restyling project of Kohler Company’s Italian headquarters.

As the lead Graphic Designer, I was responsible for designing and illustrating the internal signage and creating a series of large wall decorations that reflected the company’s values and its commitment to a sustainable and socially responsible future. Drawing inspiration from the industrial and agricultural environments where Kohler’s products make a real difference, I created a series of visually striking images for the walls. Additionally, I incorporated quotes by important figures within the company, such as founders and executives, into the design.

The end result was a cohesive and visually appealing space that not only showcased Kohler Company’s values but also created a positive and inspiring environment for employees and visitors alike.